1 |
Oban 1-2 P#7-8/Giesbrecht
31.9963, -105.14017
9/11/23 new meter no SN# (pipe length 18")
inside SN# 62004152799 Signet AG |
2 |
Oban 2 P#6/Giesbrecht
31.9906, -105.14422
62204120330 ( inside meter)(Signet AG) pipe length 2'
Added Label under Hut roof
11/23/22 was told by Michael Ainsworth that the Flo is too low the current flo setting is 1.192 and I am unable to change it. |
5 |
02-6-1276 |
6 |
Layton 5 P# 4,5/Giesbrecht
31.99044, -105.20102
61212200603 pipe length 12' |
9 |
Klein 1 P#13,14/Giesbrecht
61707250825 pipe length 2' |
10 |
Layton T1 P#3/Giesbrecht
31.97016, -105.2103
02-10-1104 |
11 |
Layton T3 P#2/Giesbrecht
31.97017, -105.21003
61707251564 pipe length 8' |
13 |
Layton T2 P#1/Giesbrecht
31.969277, -105.20916
01-10-1114N |
15 |
Layton 4 P#4,5/Giesbrecht
31.93866, -105.13089
pipe length 2' |